Moon Magic & Manifestation Group Testimonials

So much has happened since the January call. I wanted to share some with you. I put some intentions out there that I wanted to happen by April and two of them happened within 1 week! We needed a new vehicle and have been looking to relocate to the mountains for several months, well we ended up buying a truck on 1.16 (an “8 day” minus the year) and signed a lease on a new place to live on 1.25 (also an “8 day”)! I’ve been seeing 8’s everywhere since the call too! I started sorting through our belongings now that we’re officially moving, and I found a cute box someone gave me a necklace in years ago that had a stretchy bracelet wrapped around it with an infinity charm on it! So, I have been wearing that for a couple of weeks now. :)

The 3rd intention was health related knowing that the side effect of better health and balance could be to become pregnant and stay pregnant. I’ve been trying new-to-me workout classes and joined a Pilates gym and I’ve also been juicing and making more mindful eating decisions and I’m now down 8 lbs. since New Year’s weekend! (Another 8🤷‍♀️) We flip flopped our IVF timeline now that we are moving sooner than anticipated so we will start our 3rd attempt to make embryos in April instead of March. Everything seems to be falling into place and I feel like some of the magic I lost over the past 7-8 years of TTC has been restored. 😊

I’m looking forward to Thursday’s Moon Magic Manifestation call!

I attached 2 pictures and wanted to share another 8 story lol: I had a day of food weakness recently amidst all the juicing and my husband brought home some donuts for me (that I did NOT request) and when he handed me the plate all I saw was another “8.” Ha ha! 🤣🍩🍩

Oh my gosh I also just put this together...our new address is 30050 (Another “8”). Magic.
— Anonymous
“Before I joined the IVF group program with Lisa, I was having a hard time coping with the struggles of going through IVF. During the time of the group calls I went through 2 transfers, one wasn’t successful and the other I had a chemical pregnancy. I know that if I didn’t have the group for support, I wouldn’t have been able to go through the outcomes of this as easily. Having this group has made me learn more about myself and things that I can do to help get through this process and how to handle anything really that is stressful in the future. I really enjoyed the one on one call as well I had with Lisa. I learned what Chakras were out of alignment and things I can do to support that. Having other women on the weekly group calls going through the same process helped, with the support process and learning and hearing their stories. Knowing that I am not alone and there are better ways to go through IVF then trying to figure it all out on your own. I would definitely recommend this group to anyone needing support when trying to conceive. I loved this group so much that I joined Lisa’s new moon monthly calls. I am so happy I found Lisa, she really does care about her clients. She even invited me to a breathwork workshop where I met her in person, which was such a great experience. She also surprised me at my house with a little gift before one of my transfers. If you are contemplating on signing up with one of Lisa’s group calls you won’t be disappointed.”
— Jessalyn