Go For It

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one, wild precious life?”

– Mary Oliver

This quote resonates so deeply with me, and I hope it resonates on some level for you. The time we are living with Covid-19 is unlike any of us have experienced in this lifetime. The world is on pause. Every single one of us. We can’t escape it. For a while now we’ve been quarantined in our homes. We’ve made sacrifices. We may have new roles - A parent now acting as “the teacher” schooling their kids at home. A role as a caretaker for a loved one. A new “work from home” role. You likely have multiple roles and I’m sure they have shifted over these last few weeks.

Maybe you’ve discovered new hobbies, new talents, or new passions. Maybe you’ve enhanced your cooking skills and become more innovative during this time. Going within is something I think I can safely say we’ve all done at some point as we navigate into the unknown.

What I know to be true is when there is less noise, we can tune into the gifts in the silence. We can better hear the whispers. We gain some clarity in the calm.

These are gifts, and I believe they are helping us tune into what lights us up. As Mary Oliver stated above… “What do you plan to do with your one, wild precious life?”

Never did I think I’d be launching my first book into the world during a global pandemic, but I believe that there truly is a Divine Timing to everything.  My book, “Hold On, Baby!” hit the #1 Amazon sales category for ALL Fertility and Infertility books on my launch day. The universe sure rose up to meet me when it opened its arms and said, “I think you also need to release your book on Mother’s Day.”

My book is to support those who desire to be mothers. Could I have planned this release date? I sure could have, but I honestly didn’t. Truthfully it all fell into place in the most beautifully, perfect way. My initial launch date was planned for June, but after talking with my book coach, she said “I think we can release it sooner, on Mother’s Day!”

What is even more unbelievable is the date my book was published on- That date just so happens to be my birthday. May 6th.



One of the things I want to share with you is – TRUST.

Know that we are always being supported. We don’t have to have is all figured out. This goes for women going through infertility and IVF, those who are searching for a job, those in search of a relationship, those who desire to write a book or start that business. It’s for anyone at any stop along their journey in life.

Each of us has our own path. We will face twists and turns, hills and valleys. We’ll climb and we’ll fall. (That’s where the real gifts lie). We’ll never know what lies ahead until we GO FOR IT. The pain we’ve experienced in our lives can be a strong guidepost to help us uncover what we’re meant for.

I’m so thankful I listened to that call within saying, “Write that book. Start that business. Write. Create.”

Get over your fears and live the dream. I know for sure I’m not going to take my one, wild precious life for granted.

How about you?

Thank you for supporting me. I’m here cheering you along your journey too.

all my love,
