Fertility Advocacy is about access to GOOD care; Risks of bargain based IVF.
In honor of National Infertility Awareness Week #NIAW2022 and #WEARORANGE Dr. Greene and I have a discussion about having access to good fertility care + more. We discuss the timely article that just came out about a Colorado fertility clinic and laboratory that made a critical error impacting a couple from Washington. Within 48 hours they went from feeling overjoyed to unbelievable heartbreak.
Read their story here: https://lostembryos.com/colorado-ivf-...
Stay informed on your fertility path. Check SART and CDC to stay up to date on outcomes for various clinics.
👉Do you have a topic you'd love for us to cover? Submit your requests and connect with Dr. Greene or myself. Connect with Dr. Greene at EnhancingFertility.com and Lisa at IVFManifestingAMiracle.com