Does the age of a woman's uterus matter during IVF? Dr. Greene shares this question is not an easy one to answer. What's important is identifying and controlling various variables that current scientific understanding allows. He explains the uterus is not only an organ, but it's also a "passenger." Optimizing the environment of the uterus is so key. Most women with a healthy uterus CAN carry a healthy pregnancy, but testing is suggested to establish a baseline.
This Clinical Conversation is dedicated to the guys and their Future Father's Day. Dr. Greene and I highlight male fertility. This is the second of our "Male Fertility" talks. (Check out June 2020 for the first talk we did on this topic. You'll learn some key tips on optimizing sperm health and ways to optimize one's fertility. Visit Dr. Greene at Enhancing Fertility and Lisa at IVFManifestingAMiracle.com for fertility support and resources.
Fertility Advocacy is about access to GOOD care; Risks of bargain based IVF. In honor of National Infertility Awareness Week #NIAW2022 and #WEARORANGE Dr. Greene and I have a discussion about having access to good fertility care + more. We discuss the timely article that just came out about a Colorado fertility clinic and laboratory that made a critical error impacting a couple from Washington. Within 48 hours they went from feeling overjoyed to unbelievable heartbreak.
What are Shared Risk IVF Programs and is it worth having one? Dr. Greene shares his take on this matter. Reach out to Lisa at IVFManifestingamiracle.com to inquire about fertility coaching support.
Listen in as Dr. Greene shares about the evolving role of Conventional Frozen Embryo Transfer Cycles. Hear his definition of a "Programmed Cycle" and the latest data behind programmed cycles. Connect with Dr. Greene at EnhancingFertility.com. Reach out to Lisa at ivfmanifestingamiracle.com for personalized IVF coaching support.
A "Natural Cycle" FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) - How do you know if it's right for you? Dr. Greene shares some of the advantages as well as disadvantages for those choosing this path. Who is best suited for this treatment option? What exactly is a Natural Cycle?
Dr. Greene highlights a term called "Social Fertility." Whether one is single by choice or in a same sex relationship, many individuals rely on assisted fertility reproduction to getting pregnant. Dr. Greene advises on the importance of getting support from a reputable clinic when in search of starting a family, and he states the number one question to discuss as one prepares to grow a family.
Tune in for this hot topic with a review of the recent article that came out recently from the New England Journal of Medicine. Genetic Testing vs Non Genetic Testing in patients with good prognosis.
Join Dr. Greene and I as we honor National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month (October 2021). Listen in for the latest Covid Update from Dr. Greene, and then we dive into our Clinical Conversation on Recurrent Pregnancy Loss.
September is PCOS Awareness Month. Join us for a Clinical Conversation talk all about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. He explains PCOS as a hormonal imbalance and reviews the 3 major criteria to determine if someone has PCOS. He shares a couple tips on strategies to help one getting pregnant if diagnosed with PCOS.
Hear the latest from Dr. Greene on COVID, the vaccine, immune boosting tips and more. (We even touch upon forest bathing and essential oils)! Join us for this timely COVID update - Late Summer 2021 edition. Connect with Dr. Greene at EnhancingFertility.com. Connect with Lisa at ivfmanifestingamiracle.com to inquire about fertility coaching support through IVF. Submit topics you'd love covered!
Hear the latest research from Dr. Greene as he shares the data behind Day 3 and Day 5 embryos as well as Fresh vs Frozen Embryo Transfers. Connect with Dr. Greene at EnhancingFertility.com. Connect with Lisa, IVF Fertility Coach at ivfmanifestingamiracle.com.
Learn about some key tips as you prepare for your embryo transfer and ways to increase your chance of success for implantation. We discuss the impact of fragrances, if bedrest is best and other key ways to help you manage your stress.
Honoring Endometriosis Month and bringing you some lucky charms on this St. Patrick's Day and always! Learn all about endometriosis, symptoms, approaching IVF with this diagnosis and more. You'll get the latest research from Dr. Greene and discover a supplement you may consider trying. Learn about endometriomas during pregnancy and the difference between endo and adenomyosis -- There's lots we cover! Questioning if it's good to treat endometriosis before starting IVF? Join us for this special convo on Endo!.
Debating whether to transfer 1 or 2 embryos? Tune in to hear Dr. Greene answer this commonly asked question and the data behind his recommendations. Learn about the risk/benefit ratio and what factors are considered for a healthy pregnancy. He shares some of the most recent data with the impact of the maternal immune system. Are you curious if a strong embryo can support a "weaker" one? Dr. Greene addresses this question and more. We got into a good discussion about the controversial story of a certain celebrity choosing IVF to have twins.
Hear Dr. Greene's take on what Unexplained Infertility should REALLY be called. You'll learn why more tests are not always the answer. There can be a lot of contributing factors to "Unspecified Infertility." Dr. Greene encourages individuals to be goal oriented and forward thinking as one navigates this ride. We cover topics related to egg and sperm quality, implantation, Receptiva test, and male factor challenges. Hope this talk inspires and empowers you to keep looking forward.
New Year, new you! PART 2 of our EGG QUALITY talk. Start the new year hearing the latest data driven, scientifically and evidenced based advice from Dr. Greene on nutrition and diet tweaks to optimize your sperm and egg quality. Hear his recommendations for diet, thoughts related to drinking, tips for eating mindfully, intermittent fasting and more. We also discuss strategies for decreasing emotional stress and ways to support your overall wellness while undergoing fertility treatments.
According to Dr. Greene "Egg quality is arguably the most important determining factor for success in your fertility journey." Listen in to Part 1 of our discussion about egg quality. Dr. Greene's blog: enhancingfertility.com Connect with Lisa at IVFmanifestingamiracle.com
Hear the latest on Intralipids from Dr. Greene! Learn what they are, some history about them, and various situations that may be best to have this treatment added to your protocol.
Join us as we discuss embryo grading! Reach out to Lisa at ivfmanifestingamiracle.com for personalized fertility support.
Listen in as Dr. Greene of Conceptions shares the latest info on pre-implantation genetic testing- aneuploidy! Hear his reflections as you consider this test for your fertility journey.
Father's Day Special Edition - Dr. Greene of Conceptions and Lisa White have a Clinical Conversation discussing all things male fertility!
Hear fertility specialist, Dr. Greene of Conceptions, as he opens up and shares his own personal experience going through infertility