A letter to the woman “in the waiting”

To the woman in the waiting….

That state of uncertainty while going through fertility challenges.  A time when you aren’t quite sure which direction to take. You’re presented with options and you decide with utmost hope and confidence you’ve chosen the right path.

You want something so bad and feel a bit of disappointment when you see how easy it is for others to get pregnant. You think to yourself, WHY?  And even statements like “This just doesn’t seem fair” come to mind. Maybe you waited to find the right partner. Maybe you waited to be more established in your career. Maybe you just couldn’t think of waiting any longer and are going about it without a partner. Whatever your reason, you’re here now. You have heard all the suggestions from everyone (who mean well), on what you can do to help get pregnant, but what you REALLY want them to know they just don’t truly understand. Those of us who’ve gone down this road get it.  We know it can feel lonely, isolating, and at times depressing. We can relate to the emotional, physical and financial strain it places in your life as well as your partner’s life.  There’s a lot of hoping, praying, wishing and a lot, A LOT of tears.  At times it feels like your life is consumed by the process. Various doctors, nurses, techs, phlebotomists, sonagraphers, office staff… It all can seem almost robotic walking into the clinic for your regular blood draws and internal ultrasound checks. Each stage is one where you’re in a state of wonderment- hopefully it’s the good kind of wonderment, but for many it’s the state of wondering, “Will it work this time? What if this doesn’t go right? What happens if x, y, z?”  There’s A LOT of unknown.

What you really want is someone to hold space for you. To vent. To cry. To punch (yes) … Truly a long hug and a compassionate ear mean the world. Less talking and more listening. That’s what we want.  Be Present.

Just BE with me.

Going through the process of infertility testing and IVF myself, I quickly realized the importance of mindset, self care, and the energy I brought to this experience.  It all mattered.  Creating a support network also became a priority.  The personal connections friends shared with me of others who had been through this journey were key, and I had no hesitation in reaching out to them.  My outlook going through the process of testing and extensive medical procedures was one of optimism, one of faith, and one of an inner knowing that I would become a mother in one way or another. I knew that the thoughts I was thinking would affect my reality. I knew that I had to take care of ME.  Doing whatever I needed to stay in an optimal state to weather any storm that came our way was imperative; Man, did we face a lot of storms.


Looking back I think what’s unique in the approach I took to get through it all was recognizing how all the right supports appeared to me in just the right timing.  Being open was key.  I knew this secret.  It takes daily inner work and self awareness.  From the very beginning of this process I knew I had to be led by my heart.  There were many things out of my control, but there was much much I could control.  I had, what you may call, a “heart roadmap” guiding me through it all.

Where do you find this secret Heart map you may ask?  Well, that is where I come in.

I’m here to help you uncover what is there waiting for you and always HAS been there for you.  I want to help you discover your own Heart map.  Through personalized coaching we explore, we dig, we uncover, we build, we grow.

The coaching I provide is unique in that I utilize my 18+ years as an Occupational Therapist and lifelong practitioner of intentional, creative living to provide you with a holistic support like no other.  I believe in you, and I believe in the power of having someone like myself walk alongside you to help maximize your chances of manifesting your own miracle.  I want you to ultimately reach your personal goal of becoming a mother, but more importantly I want to you to not lose yourself on the way to get there.

I invite you to consider a personal coach to support you on your journey to motherhood. Infertility struggles are not meant to be gone through alone.  It takes a team.  A team of people who have been there, who care, and who have some valuable tools to support you.  I would love to bring more of the “magic” that may be missing from your team, and I invite you to reach out to set up an exploratory call to talk further.  Until then, keep going and know there is someone rooting in your corner for your dream of motherhood to come true.

All my love,

xo Lisa