ivf coach

Reflections of a True Warrior – My Hero – My Mom

It’s been 3 weeks since my mom passed away.  I have been deeply introspective, remembering her and the gift of having her as my mom. I’ve been even more in tune with beauty around me- sunsets like I’ve never seen before, the radiant glow of the moon, light bursting from clouds in the most touching way, even a visit from a beautiful grasshopper…signs of her presence everywhere.

A Mother's Love

As I write my heart feels full of hope and yet breaking a little at the same time. I can hardly believe our daughter is approaching her 1st birthday. IVF brought us a precious new life. A new little one who has completely captured our heart. We’re embracing each stage of our evolving journey, taking it one day at a time. As excited as I am for all to come in her sweet life, my heart feels an ache… a deep ache that’s been ever so present … my mom is dying.

Happy 40th IVF

Today I learned IVF is celebrating it’s 40th birthday!  The first IVF baby, Louise Brown, was born on this date.  It’s hard to imagine how revolutionary this procedure was just 40 years ago — So much advancement for reproductive science and a gift of hope for those experiencing infertility.