I recently learned my hometown of Denver, CO is listed as the #1 city for women to start a business! Having taken the leap in creating a coaching service supporting others on their fertility journeys, I couldn’t be more thrilled to hear this news.
A mama’s reflections post IVF – turning 2
A letter to the woman “in the waiting”
Signs, spirit animals….It’s all part of the bigger unknown
A Time of Thanks
Reflections of a True Warrior – My Hero – My Mom
It’s been 3 weeks since my mom passed away. I have been deeply introspective, remembering her and the gift of having her as my mom. I’ve been even more in tune with beauty around me- sunsets like I’ve never seen before, the radiant glow of the moon, light bursting from clouds in the most touching way, even a visit from a beautiful grasshopper…signs of her presence everywhere.
A Mother's Love
As I write my heart feels full of hope and yet breaking a little at the same time. I can hardly believe our daughter is approaching her 1st birthday. IVF brought us a precious new life. A new little one who has completely captured our heart. We’re embracing each stage of our evolving journey, taking it one day at a time. As excited as I am for all to come in her sweet life, my heart feels an ache… a deep ache that’s been ever so present … my mom is dying.
Happy 40th IVF
Worldwide Reach – a dream coming true
I can’t help but hear the song “How far I’ll go” in my mind. Thanks to Moana for this catchy song, but truly I feel so inspired! Looking at the reach my website has done since yesterday and I am BLOWN AWAY- France, Turkey, Indonesia, the UK, the U.S. Australia, China, & South Africa! Time to get writing and no better time than the present.