Soul Sister Conversation (34) - Carlyn Neek & Lisa White

Meet my friend and fellow OT Carlyn Neek. Carlyn is an occupational therapist, author and entrepreneur from Calgary, Alberta Canada where she has a mental health private practice. In 2020 she launched the ACTivate Vitality: Rise & Live Fully program which supports visionary OT's in getting out of their heads and on with trailblazing so they can find more resilience, alignment, and vitality in the way they work and live.

This Soul Sister Conversation is rich with discussion about staying curious and open as we navigate through challenges in life. How we handle anxiety and overwhelm is key in helping us as we move forward when experiencing pain or suffering. Carlyn shares the benefits of creating more psychological flexibility and tools we can implement right away. Gratitude practices, examining one's values, and more. Connect with Carlyn at, grab her book at, and search her on YouTube at https://youtube/c/CarlynNeek. Reach out to Lisa at ivfmanifestingamiracle for personalized coaching support through IVF.