soul sister conversation

Soul Sister Conversation (38) - Carmen Ohling & Lisa White

Meet Carmen Ohling, a Holistic Life Coach, speaker, author and creator of The Permission Slip Podcast! She and I have a heartfelt discussion on LIVING FULLY, allowing yourself to feel, it all, the power of choice, mindset, and so much more. I love her phrase - "Stay and Play!" Learn some key tips on healthy eating while navigating through fertility treatments and ways to live a cleaner life with fewer toxins. Carmen gifts us with a beautiful mantra meditation we can use to stay empowered on our fertility path.

Soul Sister Conversation (37) - Krista Ripma & Lisa White

Wow. I'm blown away I got to have an intimate sit down with Krista Ripma! Krista is a marketing coach, launch strategist and co founder of Authentic Audience, a full service digital marketing company dedicated to serving brands who foster the best in self care, self love, and self expression. Authentic Audience is the natural progression of Krista’s previous successes in building million-plus Instagram followings, tripling online awareness and engagement for her brands, and coaching hundreds of seasoned and novice business owners to find and speak their truth. Krista's promise is to cut through the noise and give you a radically honest approach to growing your business.

Soul Sister Conversation (36) - Ali Prato & Lisa White

This Soul Sister Conversation was a lot of fun! I hope you feel the warmth and heart from Ali as I did. She openly shares her personal journey through secondary infertility. You’ll be inspired by her story. Ali is a journalist, an infertility warrior, and creator of Infertile AF the podcast and co-founder of Fertility Rally, a community for anyone navigating infertility and building their modern families through assisted reproductive technology. She is passionate about sharing as many diverse stories as possible and helping others going through infertility feel less alone. She lives in New Jersey with her husband, Vince, and two kids, Ever and Sonny. Connect with Ai at and check out her podcast, Infertile AF.


Soul Sister Conversation (35) - Maral Salerno and Lisa White

Meet my friend Maral Salerno. For this Soul Sister Conversation we discuss Fertility Diets, Inflammation and Gut Health. Maral is a Mother of two, a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner practicing Functional Fertility. She is also a Certified Anusara Yoga Teacher and Thai Massage Therapist and teacher for 20+ years. Listen in as she shares some valuable tips on top inflammatory foods. Download her complimentary Fertility Starter Kit - A guide to support you as you navigate and choose the best foods for you to eat. Connect with her at and @maralsalerno on Instagram. Reach out to Lisa at for personalized coaching support through IVF.


Soul Sister Conversation (34) - Carlyn Neek & Lisa White

Meet my friend and fellow OT Carlyn Neek. Carlyn is an occupational therapist, author and entrepreneur from Calgary, Alberta Canada where she has a mental health private practice. In 2020 she launched the ACTivate Vitality: Rise & Live Fully program which supports visionary OT's in getting out of their heads and on with trailblazing so they can find more resilience, alignment, and vitality in the way they work and live.

Soul Sister Conversation (33) - Mandy Chamberlain & Lisa White

Meet my friend Mandy Chamberlain - a fellow occupational therapist and fertility sister in Colorado who shares her long road of fertility challenges to reach her 3 children. Mandy is mama to a daughter and identical twin boys 13 months apart! She is the owner of, runs a podcast "OT Flourish" and is passionate about helping students and new OT grads, feel confident and supported when working with older adult clients.

Soul Sister Conversation (23) -- Monica Bivas & Lisa White

Meet Monica Bivas, fellow fertility coach, author of 'The IVF Planner,' a wife and mom of 2 girls.

Monica openly shares her fertility journey through multiple transfers, miscarriage and loss to her baby girl Isabelle, born stillborn at 39 weeks.

This Soul Sister Conversation touched me deeply. She shared the emotional pain and grief she experienced moving forward after loss.