Today I learned IVF is celebrating it’s 40th birthday! The first IVF baby, Louise Brown, was born on this date. It’s hard to imagine how revolutionary this procedure was just 40 years ago — So much advancement for reproductive science and a gift of hope for those experiencing infertility.
I’m incredibly grateful for IVF. Where do I even begin to give thanks for this miraculous procedure? For my husband and I it was pretty much our only chance at having a biological child of our own. We went down the road of testing and IUI was not advised for our situation… IVF was it and we put our energy there.
As one starts down the path of IVF it often feels very overwhelming. One piece of advice I would give others beginning this process is to stay off Google. You will make yourself crazy looking up everything you possibly can. My advice to you is DON’T DO IT. My doctor and even my acupuncturist recommended laying off the computer and to follow their guidance. I will say I stuck to that about 90% of the time.
Here’s a little birthday gift to you in honor of this special day- Be good to yourself and try as much as possible to LET GO. Let go of trying to control everything. Let go (as much as you can) of your fears. Let go of the negative thoughts running through your mind. It’s by no means easy- BUT I know from experience that the more you can SURRENDER and put your faith in the belief that “IT’S ALL WORKING OUT FOR MY HIGHEST GOOD,” the more you can relax and actually appreciate the journey.
For the most part I experienced an EASE going through IVF and that is one of my wishes for you.
If you’re the type of individual who is open to new ideas and ready to manifest your miracle, then you’re in the right place. I’m so passionate about helping those who are willing to join me – your miracles are waiting for you.
Now, let’s make that WISH! Happy Birthday IVF.
XO- lisa