Worldwide Reach – a dream coming true

I can’t help but hear the song “How far I’ll go” in my mind.  Thanks to Moana for this catchy song, but truly I feel so inspired!  Looking at the reach my website has done since yesterday and I am BLOWN AWAY-  France, Turkey, Indonesia, the UK, the U.S. Australia, China, & South Africa!  Time to get writing and no better time than the present.

It’s a bit scary putting yourself out there. I’m not gonna lie. BUT the risk is worth it when I think of those I can help serve.  They say there really are no failures in life… just lessons learned to get you closer to where you’re meant to be.  I’m looking at this new endeavor as one where I have the potential to help A LOT of people.  The number of women undergoing infertility treatments continues to grow every year.

IVF is no joke.  No one is really prepared for the amount of Dr. appointments you have, the number of medications, the shots you give yourself in both the abdomen and buttocks, blood draws, ultrasounds, constant monitoring, and Oh did I forget? —  all the fun side effects of the medications – (That’s for another blog), but truly it is a rollercoaster of emotions.  In addition to the “cray cray” there is lots of waiting, and waiting, and more waiting.

How ironic one of my nicknames I received nearly 20 years ago from a dear friend was “Turtle”… It’s all coming full circle now!  I’ve embraced the name lovingly and can’t help but think how appropriate that name was (and still is) for me.  Long and slow… patiently waiting for 2+ years as we went through IVF and various surgeries to prepare my body for our embaby…. Patiently waiting for the “right” time to put up a website.  Well, that turtle kicked into high gear and is going full speed ahead.

Thank you for joining me on this ride.

XO- lisa