What’s calling you?

If you are reading this, I want to first say THANK YOU and welcome!!

Have you felt that tapping on your shoulder to take action on something?  I felt that tap,  which turned into a nudge, which turned from a whisper into a loud “DO IT,” and I couldn’t wait any longer.  That call for me was to start that business, create that blog, and create that website.  Here it is– I’m SO excited.

My intention behind creating “IVF: Manifesting a Miracle” is to fulfill a calling I’ve felt to support other women going through IVF.  As someone who has gone through it I understand the emotional stressors and pain one often experiences going through this process.

Each woman’s path is individual however we all share one common desire….to become a MOTHER.

What I aspire to create is a community where others feel — SUPPORTED, INSPIRED, and EMPOWERED.

You do not need to go through infertilty challenges alone.  No more suffering in silence.

I’ve learned you have more control in this process than you realize.

There is SO MUCH ahead of you and this is just the beginning.


Let me help guide you as your IVF mentor and share some of my personal strategies I used to help manifest our miracle.

I invite you to follow your own calling inside and join me in this journey of a lifetime.

XO- lisa